Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin I, mit Gastroenterologie- Hepatologie, Nephrologie, Stoffwechsel und Diabetologie
Müllner Hauptstraße 48
A-5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (0) 5 7255 – 25402
Email: c.martinetz@salk.at
we invite you to experience detailed assessment of neoplastic lesions with new generation HD-Endoscopes and focused 50- to 80-fold ZOOM of surface and microvascular patterns on virtual and real chromoendoscopy - to understand three major advancements in gastrointestinal endoscopy:
This expert meeting focuses on how to learn HD-endoscopic staging of mucosal neoplasias, and strategies for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection.
Frieder Berr, Salzburg, AT
Rainer Schöfl, Linz, AT
Thierry Ponchon, Lyon, FR
Hans Seifert, Oldenburg, DE
Please visit http://early-cancer.eu for online versions of the events.