Universitätsklinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Müllner Hauptstraße 48
A-5020 Salzburg
Email: mkg@salk.at
Functional results after total cricoidectomy with medial femoral condyle free flap reconstruction
Banaszewski, J; Gaggl, A; Buerger, H; Wierzbicka, M; Pabiszczak, M; Pastusiak, T; Szyfter, W
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2016; 273(11): 3869-3874.
IF: 1,627 (2016); Score Punkte: 4
ID 21437
The reconstruction of large laryngeal defect with medial condyle femur corticoperiosteal free flap-a case report
Banaszewski, J; Gaggl, A; Buerger, H; Wierzbicka, M; Pabiszczak, M; Pastusiak, T; Szyfter, W;
Microsurgery. 2016; 36(2): 157-160.
IF: 2,054 (2016); Score Punkte: 2
ID 17844
Arterialized Venous Bone Flaps: An Experimental Investigation
Borumandi, F; Higgins, JP; Buerger, H; Vasilyeva, A; Benlidayi, ME; Sencar, L; Gaggl, A;
Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 31970
IF: 5,228 (2016); Score Punkte: 5
ID 20566
Microvascular medial femoral condylar flaps in 107 consecutive reconstructions in the head and neck
Brandtner, C; Hachleitner, J; Bottini, GB; Buerger, H; Gaggl, A;
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016; 54(6): 614-618.
IF: 1,237 (2016); Score Punkte: 3
ID 20008
Moving the mandible in orthognathic surgery - A multicenter analysis
Thiele, OC; Kreppel, M; Bittermann, G; Bonitz, L; Desmedt, M; Dittes, C; Dorre, A; Dunsche, A; Eckert, AW; Ehrenfeld, M; Fleiner, B; Frerich, B; Gaggl, A; Gerressen, M; Gmeli, L; Hammacher, A; Hassfeld, S; Heiland, M; Hemprich, A; Hidding, J; Holzle, F; Howaldt, HP; Iizuka, T; Kater, W; Klein, C; Klein, M; Kohnke, RH; Kolk, A; Kubler, AC; Kubler, NR; Kunkel, M; Kuttenberger, JJ; Kreusch, T; Landes, C; Lehner, B; Mischkowski, RA; Mokros, S; Neff, A; Nkenke, E; Palm, F; Paulus, GW; Piesold, JU; Rasse, M; Rodemer, H; Rothamel, D; Rustemeyer, J; Sader, R; Scheer, M; Scheffier, B; Schippers, C; Schliephake, H; Schmelzeisen, R; Schramm, A; Spitzer, WJ; Stoll, C; Terheyden, H; Weingart, D; Wiltfang, J; Wolff, KD; Ziegler, CM; Zoller, JE
J CRANIO MAXILL SURG. 2016; 44(5): 579-583.
IF: 1,592 (2016); Score Punkte: 4
ID 20127
Detailed vascular anatomy of the medial femoral condyle and the significance of its use as a free flap
Weitgasser, L; Cotofana, S; Winkler, M; Buerger, H; Jamnig, D; Anderhuber, F; Gaggl, A
J PLAST RECONSTR AES. 2016; 69(12): 1683-1689.
IF: 1,743 (2016); Score Punkte: 3
ID 21625