Acute Ischemic Stroke
Emerging and individualized treatments for acute ischemic stroke
Current Projects:
- Direct and indirect characterization of thrombus: evaluation of therapeutic and prognostic relevance
- Thrombectomy: impact of peri-interventional variables
- Role of inflammation/infections in stroke
- Treatment option in DOAK treated patients
Recent Publications:
- Pikija S, Sztriha LK, Sebastian Mutzenbach J, Golaszewski SM, Sellner J. Idarucizumab in Dabigatran-Treated Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Receiving Alteplase: A Systematic Review of the Available Evidence. CNS Drugs. 2017 Aug 14. doi: 10.1007/s40263-017-0460-x.
- Mutzenbach JS, Pikija S, Otto F, Halwachs U, Weymayr F, Sellner J. Intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke after dabigatran reversal with idarucizumab - a case report. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2016 Sep 17;3(11):889-892.
- Pikija S, Magdic J, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Florea C, Hauer L, Novak HF, McCoy MR, Sellner J. Proximal flow to middle cerebral artery is associated with higher thrombus density in terminal internal carotid artery occlusion. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2017 Jun 6;4(7):517-521.
- Pikija S, Magdic J, Trkulja V, Unterkreuter P, Mutzenbach JS, Novak HF, Weymayr F, Hauer L, Sellner J. Intracranial Thrombus Morphology and Composition Undergoes Time-Dependent Changes in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A CT Densitometry Study. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Nov 23;17(11).
- Pikija S, Magdic J, Liebeskind DS, Karamyan A, Bubel N, McCoy MR, Sellner J. Sigmoid Sinus Characteristics Correlate with Early Clinical and Imaging Surrogates in Anterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke. Mol Neurobiol. 2017 Sep;54(7):5583-5589.
- Pikija S, Trkulja V, Mutzenbach JS, McCoy MR, Ganger P, Sellner J. Fibrinogen consumption is related to intracranial clot burden in acute ischemic stroke: a retrospective hyperdense artery study. J Transl Med. 2016 Aug 30;14(1):250.
- Stadler K, Mutzenbach JS, Kalss G, Sellner J, Al-Schameri AR, Trinka E,
- Killer-Oberpfalzer M. Therapeutic challenges after successful thrombectomy in a patient with an antiphospholipid syndrome associated M1-occlusion: A case report. Interv Neuroradiol. 2015 Oct;21(5):598-602.
- Zepper P, Wunderlich S, Förschler A, Nadas K, Hemmer B, Sellner J. Pearls & Oy-sters: cerebral HSV-2 vasculitis presenting as hemorrhagic stroke followed by multifocal ischemia. Neurology. 2012 Jan 17;78(3):e12-5.
Funding: pending
Collaboration: CDK/Institute of Neurointervention, CDK/Division of Neuroradiology, University of Maribor, King´s College London
Johannes Sebastian Mutzenbach
1. Oberarzt - Stellvertretende Klinikleitung
cand. Med.
Christian Ramesmayer
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, neurologische Intensivmedizin und Neurorehabilitation
Ignaz-Harrer-Straße 79
A-5020 Salzburg
Primar Univ. Prof. Dr. Mag. Eugen Trinka