IPG Institut für Personalforschung im Gesundheitswesen
Müllner Hauptstraße 48
A-5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (0) 5 7255 – 20205
Email: c.augner@salk.at
Mag.Dr. Christoph Augner, MBA
Einige aktuelle Publikationen
Augner C & Magometschnigg H. (2016). Karrieremodelle im Krankenhaus. Strategische Mitarbeiterentwicklung neu denken. KU Gesundheitsmanagement 2/16, 50-52.
Augner C. (2015). Job satisfaction in the European union: the role of macroeconomic, personal, and job-related factors. J Occup Environ Med. 57(3):241-5.
Augner C, Barth A (2013): Evidenzbasiertes Management im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen. Die Logik hinter Entscheidungen. Pflegezeitschrift 66(9):556-559.
Mohammadpoorasl A, Ghahremanloo A, Allahverdipour H, Augner C. Substance Abuse in Relation to Religiosity and Familial Support in Iranian College Students. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, In Press.
Augner C (2013). Editorial: Keeping Health Professionals’ healthy and at work: Why prevention has to start during education and should never stop (Invited). Journal of Biosafety and Health Education 1:e112. doi:10.4172/2332-0893.1000e112
Augner C, Gnambs T, Winker R, Barth A (2012). Acute effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by GSM mobile phones on subjective well-being and physiological reactions: a meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment 424:11-5.
Augner C, Hacker GW (2012). Associations between problematic mobile phone use and psychological parameters in young adults. International Journal of Public Health 57:437-441.
Augner C, Frühwirt K (2012). Biomedizinische Analytik als wissenschaftliche Disziplin – Hintergründe, Status quo, Perspektiven. Biomed Austria – Fachzeitschrift für Biomedizinische AnalytikerInnen (1/2012):13-15.
Augner C (2011). Associations of subjective sleep quality with depression score, anxiety, physical symptoms and sleep onset latency in students. Central European Journal of Public Health 19(2):115-117.
Augner C, Hacker GW (2011). Associations between problematic mobile phone use and psychological parameters in young adults. International Journal of Public Health 57(2):437-41.
Augner C, Florian M, Pauser G, Oberfeld G, Hacker GW (2009). GSM base stations: short-term effects on well-being. Bioelectromagnetics 30(1):73-80.